A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Grandpa’s 77th birthday!

We celebrated grandpa Routsong 77th birthday! We are so glad he lives next-door and can see him all the time now. Happy birthday, grandpa!

Kaylee’s Semi Formal

Kaylee attended her first semi formal dance for Middle School. All the girls got all dressed up and fancy and the boys dressed up in suits. It took place at the wellness center at Oak farm and they planned and prepped for a Hollywood themed formal event. It was fun to help Kaylee prepare for her dance and, when we picked her up, she and her friends were all giggles and laughs. They had a blast and can’t wait for the next semi formal.


The Garrett Band is going to Disney World in June and simplex sponsored a fundraiser for the kids. We put together a fire extinguisher fundraiser for the kids to sell 2.5 pound, 5 pound, 10 pound extinguishers and all their profits would go towards their Disney trip. Some people sold so many that it covered their trip cost. It turned out to be a very profitable fundraiser for the Garrett Band and it was a lot of fun for Simplx. Felix and Melissa presented the fundraiser at a Disney meeting, and let the kids try extinguisher outside. It was educational for them to know how to use one and what therefore, and then to be able to sell them to their friends and family. 

Pie in the Face

The Cub Scouts have a pie in the face event every January to celebrate the popcorn sales for the troop. Based on how many sales you made for Cub Scout popcorn in the fall, the kids got to throw whip cream pies in the faces of den leaders. Of course I got pies thrown in my face and it was super fun for the kids and messy for me! It was a good time and good memories made.

Cooper’s Surprise Party

We threw a surprise party for Coopers‘s 16th birthday! We kept it quiet and he had no idea it was happening. All his friends showed up and went down to the basement. When Cooper got home we sent him down to fix some thing in the basement and his friend surprise him there.Nate hosted a ping-pong tournament in our house and we had food and friends. He was surprised and excited and I just can’t believe he’s 16! 

Cooper is 16

Happy birthday, Cooper! Cooper turned 16 this year!  You are a few fun things about Cooper at 16!

1. Coopers buddies these days include Derek, Sammy, Matthew, Andy, Andrew, Grayson. He makes friends so easily and is a kind friend to all.

2. Cooper is very much into basketball and working out. He’s at the Y almost every day shooting hoops and exercising. He joined a YMCA adult league with his friends for more basketball experience. Basketball is his favorite thing these days.

3. Cooper is also involved in FFA, future farmers of America. He has worked with Crystal at Oak Farm and has been competing at the FFA conventions. He is very talented speaking and leadership skills. It’s exciting to see him thrive in this organization as well..

4. Cooper is a hard-working individual. He puts his all into his work and is dedicated and honest. He has a very good head on his shoulders and we are very proud of his efforts and everything he does. He succeeds just about everything he touches. And he has confidence and joy. 

Basketball Season

We had another great basketball season at Oak Farm. Nate was the high school basketball coach and Cooper was a starter. The Oak Farm team is gaining momentum and is a fantastic group of high school students. They lost some and won some. Cooper and Nate both enjoyed the season a lot!

Owen’s First Loose Tooth

Owen lost his first tooth! He’s been wiggling it for a while and it finally came out. He’s got more wiggly ones in there!