A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Sunday, April 1, 2007

4 Months Old

4 Months Old

Jaxton is about 4 months old! I can't believe it! He is such a fun little boy, and has been a relatively easy baby! Sometimes I will walk up to him to be greeted with "Hiiiii!" He definitely can say hi even thought he doesn't know why he is saying it or what it means. He is talking up a storm these days in Baby Jibberish! He is very good at sittingup. He tries so hard to keep balance. It won't be too long before he can do it on his own! He can roll from his tummy to his back but he is beginning to somewhat like being on his tummy because he can hold his head up very well now. Sometimes when he is talking and focusing on me, he will flare his little nostrils in concentration, hehe. It is super cute. And his feet are already stinky! They smell like dirty socks at the end of the day! Funny, funny! He grew out of 0-6 month socks, so we had to get some 6mo-24mo socks which fit much better. Jaxton loves the bathtub. He is defintely going to be a little swimmer! Right now he is in his drooling stage. Byt he end of the day the whole front of his outfit is drenched with drool! :-) He has very strong lets and can bear weight really well. Once he has the balance mastered, he will be standing! At night he flails his arms and accidentally wakes himself up, so we have to swaddle him in a "straightjacket" and then he sleeps beautifully! He also sleeps to the AM radio static station. It is his white noise. The louder the noise, the better he sleeps!! Funny guy! We love you Baby Jax!

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