A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Sunbeam

Jaxton is a Sunbeam this year! He is just growing up so fast!! He loves Sunbeams. He has no fear! We take him to the Primary room and he just runs in there without looking back, all the way to the front row where his class sits. He just loves it! Of course at first, and still sometimes, he didn't realize that he had to sit still so much and be reverent so much. I was told that the first or second Sunday he and a friend of his went running up around the podium in the middle of Sharing Time! Since then, I have not heard any bad news, so I think he is learning that Primary is fun, but also a reverent place. I am so glad he loves it.
Yesterday, Jaxton got upset about something. So he left the room pouting and said he didn't want to eat anymore or do anything. I said, OK, that is fine. I let him go pout by himself. A couple minutes later he comes running back into the kitchen with a huge smile on his face. He said, "I'm happy again, Mom. I sang a song about Heavenly Father and Jesus and I got happy!" That just melted my heart. How sincere and innocent a child of Heavenly Father he is!