A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Two Months Old

Kaylee is 2 months old! I can't believe how the time has flown by! She is definitely growing. At her checkup, she weighted 9 lbs and 10 oz. She is starting to outgrow her newborn size outfits and is fitting into more of her 0-3 outfits finally. She loves to socialize. She loves other kids too. When the boys are hovering over her, she just takes it all in. She loves the attention! If you take a minute to get her attention, she will talk in baby language a lot! Her little coos and ohhhs are so adorable! Kaylee can roll over from her tummy to her back! She likes being on her tummy for just a minute or so, and then she gets sick of holding her head up so high, that she swings her head to the side and over she goes! Good girl Kaylee!! When I hang a toy above her head, she focuses on it really hard. Sometimes her little arms get moving and she will bat the toy with her hand! She still is not super sure how she is hitting the toy, or how to fully control her little arms, but with a whole lot of concentration, she can do it sometimes! It is so fun to watch!
Kaylee takes a bath in the bathroom sink every night. It's part of her bedtime routine, and she takes to the routine very well! I'm lucky she is small enough still to fit in the bathroom sink. When she gets all her clothes off and we head in to the bathroom connected to her room, she knows its bathtime and if she was crying or whining, she cheers right up. She loves it!! I plug up the sink but leave the faucet running warm water over her belly. When it gets too full, I pull the plug a little so it doesn't overflow but doesn't drain all the way out either. And she loves getting her hair washed too. I think it feels good to her to have the water over her head! She just is so content in that bathtub it is so darn cute! She doesn't even cry when I take her out of the warm bath and onto the counter before quickly covering her up with her cozy pink towel. After bath, she knows she will get to eat, and then off to dreamland she goes. She sleeps from around 9pm till around 4am just about every night! She is a great sleeper! Happy 2 months!!

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