A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Kaylee

Kaylee turned 1. Wow! I just can't believe my baby is 1!!! Here are some of the highlights about our little one year old princess:

1. She absolutely loves bathtime. It was officially her first word. She signs it and says it. When she says it, it kind of sounds like "Da Die," so most people probably wouldn't know what she is saying, but she is trying to say "Bath Time." It is so darn cute! She loves to take baths with her brothers too. She starts squealing with delight because she thinks it is so much fun to be splashing around with her big fun brothers in the tub.

2. Her favorite thing to drink is warm milk. Just like her brothers, she prefers it warmed up. When that microwave beeps, she knows its ready and will say "Uh-Oh" and point up to it. Her other favorite foods are yogurt and cottage cheese and macaroni and cheese. She just shovels in that mac and cheese! And there's just something about cottage cheese in our family!! Definitely a Routsong gene, but every single one of our kids loves cottage cheese. And Kaylee just follows suit!

3. One of her funny things she does with Dad especially is roll her head around in circles and say "Waaooooaaaoooooaaaoooo." They do it back and forth copying each other and for some reason it is one of her favorite games!

4. Kaylee is a walker! She started walking right at 12 months and her balance and speed have picked up already!! When she walks, she is soo feminine. Her little hands will flatten out at her sides giving her such a girly little toddle, its adorable. She walks differently than the boys did. She has graduated from eating anything and everything she finds on the floor!! Now she will find the tiniest crumb and bring it to my hand. "Da Da" she will say, meaning "Here you go." And I will say "Thank You" and off she will go to find the next tiniest crumb. She is also fascinated with the trash can. There are always treasures in there. She is starting to learn not to pull stuff out, but now I can tell her "Put it in the trash" and sometimes she will take her tiny crumb and stick it in the trash. What a smart little cookie!!

5. Kaylee loves the toy room. I close the door and she just goes into another world picking one curious thing up after another, mostly cars, trucks, robots, and superhero figures. She examines each and then moves on to something else interesting. Another one of her favorite pastimes is reading books. She loves books! We will be sitting in the rocking chair and she will climb over the edge of the chair to reach a book in the chair's bottom pockets. When she wakes up, she signs "book." And when its time for bed, she signs "book." And in the car in her carseat she always signs "book" or says "bbbbbb" rolling her lips to indicate that she wants to read a book for the car ride!

6. And she adores her big brothers. They are her heros. She loves them so much! She can say Cooper, but hasn't mastered Jaxton yet. To say Cooper she will say "ooppr"and kind of rolls her lips as she says the pr sound. Its pretty cute. She loves to wake up her brothers. She always thinks its funny when they are sleeping for some reason. She starts to squeal and touch their faces. So if she is awake before them in the morning, I will let her wake them up for preschool. She loves to climb on their bed and smother them in the mornings. And surprisingly, the boys respond to her waking them up much better than they respond to me waking them up! They actually love her smothering them in the mornings! It's fun!

7. Kaylee is such a great sleeper. She sleeps all night long in her crib. She goes to sleep around 8 and wakes up around 7 or 8. Her crib mattress has been at the highest level since she was born. One day after she woke up from her nap, al
l of a sudden we heard a huge thump and she started crying. She had dropped her passy out of her crib and was leaning over the edge to try to reach it. In doing so, she tipped on over and fell right out of her crib!! I found her sitting straight up, just frightened! Luckily she was not hurt, but needless to say, we lowered that crib down to the lowest level so there's no chance of that happening again!! Silly girl!

8. Kaylee is so much fun to get all dressed up. She wears shoes now since she's walking now. She also has just enough hair to pull up into 1 or 2 tiny pigtails. It really doesn't bother her much when I put her hair up, an occasional squeal of discomfort and that's it. She likes to comb her hair by herself and she knows that bows and headbands belong on her head. She calls them her "hats" by signing the word hat and now she says it too. She still has just 2 front teeth, but I can see the edges of the other front ones coming in.

9. She is starting to have a bit of stranger anxiety. That means that she loves her mama and knows that her mama loves her too. And that is wonderful! But it is a bit sad when she gets left at childwatch at the gym or at someone's house if I'm busy and she gives me the awfully sad "abandoned" look amongst tears and sobs. She has always been like Jaxton was, never worried about being left with other people until now. Hopefully it won't last too long. :-)

10. Kaylee loves to give kisses. First she would blow them with her hand and say "Mmmmmm-aaaahhh." But now she will put her little lips up to your lips and say "Mmmmmmmmm-aaaaah!" It is so very sweet!

The signs she can make now are:
Night Night
Change Diaper

The words she can say are:
Bathtime "Da Die"
Night Night "Nah Nye"
Passy "assy"
Hat "at"
Cooper "ooprr"
Book "bbbb" (she rolls her lips)
Ball "baa"
Thank You & Here You Go "Da Da" (she says it for both)

We love you little girl! You are our little princess! Happy First Birthday!

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