A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Science Central

 One of the kids' favorite places to go is Science Central.  There are so many fun hands on activities and experiments for even the smallest children.  We spent one fun day here this summer.  They do demonstrations every hour or so and the kids wanted to sit in on this particular one about solids, liquids, and gasses.  Of course it is all a little bit above their heads, but they enjoyed it anyways.  Jaxton was picked to be a volunteer helper.  He had to wear science goggles and gloves.  The worker was demonstrating how liquid nitrogen could make a rubber ball smaller as it froze it and Jaxton had to use a tool to see whether the ball would fit inside it before and after the liquid nitrogen.  The worker also showed us how a balloon becomes when put into liquid nitrogen and being blown up with nitrogen gas.  
 They have an entire area dedicated to toddlers and small children through age 5.  They can touch anything they want, play in the water table, blow giant bubbles, build giant creations with blocks, see their strobe light shadow, look at strange sea animals and touch them with a worker, play a giant piano with their feet, and climb up an obstacle course and slide down.  It is so much fun!!  Kaylee of course loved the water table.  She couldn't get enough of that!!

Something new that we have never done before is the Moon Walk.  They put the kids in these silly harnesses that allows them to bounce at their will and feel how it feels to walk on the moon with less gravity.  This was by far Cooper's favorite and he had a hard time leaving it.  I'm sure it felt really strange to bounce and feel lighter and he loved it.  It was a fun time with the kiddos.  We always enjoy Science Central!

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