A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ward Party in the Park

We had a fun ward picnic party in the park and it was such a great success.  There were so many people from the ward there as well as many investigators others who don’t attend church regularly.  Of course the kids had such a blast running around and playing with all the primary kids.  There are such good primary kids in our ward and bigger kids that my kids just adore!!  One man in our ward is a professional “clown” who does face painting and parties all around Fort Wayne.  So he  brought his expertise to the park and painted all the kids faces, which they loved!!  Kaylee was scared to death of him, thinking she was at the doctors’ office or something.  But when she realized that she was getting “pretties” on her arm, she softened up and kept asking for “mo, mo” (more flowers).  Then, she was proud.  She showed her arm off to everyone around and kept her arm held up to protect the design.  It was awefully cute.  

Cooper took advantage of the slip n’ slide they set up on the hill.  He had no swimsuit, but that didn’t stop him from running as fast as he could and heading head first downhill.  I am so grateful for the examples of the bigger primary children who take my little ones by the hand and play with them so well.  When they were all going to run off to the far side of the park way out of sight, the big boys made sure they came to ask me if Jaxton and Cooper could come along.  It was very responsible and respectful of them to do that and to take care of my kids so well.  I am so grateful for their examples for my kids to look up to.  What a fun day with great people!

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