A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fun in the Snow

It finally snowed!!! The kids had been asking and asking and asking for it to snow!  "When will it snow?  When will it snow?"  I kept telling them that when it was 32 degrees outside and started to rain, then the rain would turn to snow.  So they waited for the temperature to get to below 32 degrees.  And finally, the great awaited day came!  Cooper was so thrilled, so we went out together during Kaylee and Dawson's nap and played and built a mini snowman.  Then the boys went outside to play when Jaxton got home.  There wasn't much on the ground, but it was enough to make 2 little boys ecstatic about snow!  I took Kaylee out without mittens because she refused.  But she lasted about 30 seconds when her overly bundled up little body, in boots and a hat and scarf that covered most of her face, up and fell over!  Suddenly her hands were cold, she couldn't stand up, and she was crying.  I had forgotten how hard it was to take toddlers out in the snow.  The memories of Cooper came flooding back just a couple winters ago when he was so excited to go out in the snow, but was crying after the first minute, frustrated because he wanted to play but couldn't because his hands were frozen and he couldn't move in his big bundled up body.  Funny times!!

Since Kaylee didn't do so good outside in the snow, we brought some snow inside to build our own snowman, just the girls!!

I found a recipe on Pinterest to make ice cream out of snow.  So we tried it!  It took a huge bowl of snow, mixed with 1 can of sweetened condensed milk, and a touch of vanilla.  We mixed it together until it became the consistency of ice cream.  We topped it off with hot fudge and caramel.  What a treat!!
A couple weeks later, it snowed a lot more!!  Nate took the boys out and they built a huge snowman!  It was such a joy to see them out there working hard to roll out those giant balls for the snowman's body.  They gave him a pirate hat, fireplace coal rocks for his eyes and mouth and buttons, a carrot nose, and a blue scarf, complete with Nate's old shoes.  He was a perfect snowman!  One morning a few days later, however, we woke up to find that all was left of him was his shoes, scarf, and hat laying on the ground with a carrot and a bunch of black coal rocks!  He had either come alive and run off without his clothes like Frosty, or he had melted away!  

What a wonderful dad they have.  As I watched them build him through the window with Kaylee and Dawson at my sides, I was filled with joy for my family.   We are so blessed to have one another!  

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