A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

The morning of Easter Sunday was beautiful.  All week during our scripture time, the kids and I have been going through the Easter week when Christ was alive.  We talked about all the main events leading up to his time in Gethsemane and his death and resurrection.  On Palm Sunday, we talked about Jesus riding on a donkey through the city gates.  Cooper's preschool talked about this story the very next day and Cooper was excited to already know the story.  We talked about the Last Supper, when Jesus washed His disciples feet, and when he cleansed the temple.  We talked about the Passover holiday that the Jews had celebrated that week and we even recreated a Passover meal with bitter herbs and food items that were similar to what they would have eaten on this holiday.  The kids love it because we always do this Passover meal on the floor on a blanket.  Each food represents something spiritual, usually concerning the ancient Isrealites.  It was fun to teach the kids a little bit about this.  They have watched a few episodes of "The Bible" with us, a recent show on TV and have been able to better understand some of the Bible stories.  So they had an idea already who the "Israelites" were.  As the week went on, we talked about the Garden of Gethsemane and how Jesus suffered there.  We made resurrection rolls with crescent rolls and marshmallows to help us all understand how Jesus' body was embalmed and placed in the tomb.  Then we talked about the glorious resurrection, using a glove to help them understand the body and the spirit.  It has been a wonderful week of learning and I think we all better understand the real meaning of Easter.  

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