A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The End of First Grade

Jaxton has finished 1st grade!!!! That, I can hardly believe! My big boy is growing up!  He has had an awesome first grade experience with a phenomenal teacher, Mr. R.  His teacher was recommended to us and so we requested him and we are sure glad we did.  I have been so impressed with him, his mannerism with his class, his organization, his fun & laid back style and his excitement for learning. A few times I caught him reading to the kids with such animation and energy, it was hard not to become engaged in the story.  I got to help him weekly with copies and box tops and the bullitan board. So it was fun getting to know him a little through my volunteer work.  I think Jaxton benefited greatly from his teaching.

Jaxtons classroom put on a play for the Shel Silverstisn book, "The Giving Tree."  I went to see it and Jaxton was one of several narrators.  He had memorized his lines and spoke loud and clear. It was a lot of fun to watch and a great opportunity for him to experience a bit of drama.

The first graders also had been working on First in Math all year, an online math program to learn skills, problem solve and earn "stickers."  In the course of the year, he earned over 4,000 stickers and won a medal for his success.  The program was done mostly at school, and Jaxton would come home with lots of outrageous questions for a first grader, like what does the dot mean with numbers before and after the dot?  And what does that line mean with numbers on top and under?  So of course his curiosity led to fun teaching moments where I tried to explain decimals and fractions with pies and pizza slices.  He is a little mathmerician!  

Congrats Jaxton on finishing 1st grade!  On to Second!

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