A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Kaylee is 4!!

Kaylee is 4!!! Happy Birthday Girl!  Here are some fun things about Kay at 4 years old:

1. Kaylee’s favorite food these days would be “chocolate granola.”  She actually picks out the dark chocolate pieces, and leaves the rest, exclaiming that she is full.  Somebody has her mommy’s chocolate weakness.

2.  Kaylee’s favorite little friends these days include Jaslene, Lilly, Carter, and Chyler.  She talks about these kiddos often.  It is really fun to have her friends come over to play because she gets into her girly element. 

3.  Kaylee loves to create “projects.”  A project for her is taking toys and items from all different categories and putting them in piles or boxes all mixed together.  Sometimes she “wraps” things like gifts before adding them to the pile of nick knacks.  I cannot get into her head to understand her reasoning as she piles up her things, but behind it all, there truly is an organized process in her mind of what she is doing.  If Dawson or I touch part of her “project,” she gets very concerned.  She likes it exactly the way she created it, even though it looks like a mess from my point of view.  So sometimes she will keep her “project” out for a few days before we decide it is time to clean up her room. 

4. Kaylee loves to sing.  She will sing all the time.  She loves to sing to her baby brother, and gets a thrill when her singing “puts him to sleep.”  We were watching American Idol one day and she announced that one day when she was bigger, she would be a singer just like the ones on TV.  I hope that dream of hers comes true.  She will be a beautiful singer.

5. Kaylee loves her little baby brother to pieces.  And he equally loves her.  She can make him grin and laugh.  He absolutely loves her entertainment.  She certainly lives up to the stigma of “little mommy” in our house.  She has learned how to feed Baby Nathan baby food and she loves to do it.  We will lower the high chair so its right at her height and she will feed him all his food.  Its darn cute to watch her with him.  As if he is a real baby doll. 

6. Kaylee is a little drama queen.  Her brother Dawson gets quite the kick out of watching her drama in action.  He will push her buttons (and he knows exactly which ones to push) to get her to give him a mighty scream or two or three.  He loves the thrill of her screams.  It is kind of funny to watch.  I try to teach her that if she won’t scream, rather if she’d ignore him, then he would lose all fun in doing it.  But she can’t understand that yet.  So the two of them will go off and play together really well, until Dawson decides its time to push those buttons.  They love to play “backpacks” and “store.”  They are becoming such good friends.

7. Kaylee is a Sunbeam at church!  I can hardly believe it.  She is so darn cute.  She has a great group of friends in her class at church, and her new Sunbeam teacher just happens to be her old Nursery teacher.  That makes the transition super easy!  I’m so proud of her going to Primary and sitting up front.  One week recently, she got real nervous for some reason about Primary.  So I asked Cooper if he would sit with her for a little while, and he did.  He is such a sweet, helpful, and thoughtful boy, and I know how much Kaylee adores him, and all her brothers.

8. Kaylee has been loving her preschool group.  She has some good friends in the group, and she is learning so much!  Its hard to say whether she picks up on things from her older siblings, or if she gets it at preschool.  But she can write just about every letter of the alphabet.  She is picking up reading really well, and she knows all her sounds.  We have started the “Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons” and she loves to do her reading lesson.  We’ve taken it slow because its often hard to fit into our day, but wherever we leave off, she is quickly able to pick up and move forward.  I LOVE teaching my kids to read.  It is so rewarding.  She will be reading before we know it!

9. Kaylee is surrounded by boys in this house, but she is the most girly girl I know.  She loves to have her fingernails and toenails painted all different colors and sparkles.  She asks if she can use my makeup, every time she sees me put it on.  I always tell her she can , when she’s 12.  She will look forward to that day!!  She loves to wear chapstick, and often wants to use some of my sparkle lip stuff.  She is a princess through and through.

10.  I am so grateful to have a daughter, such a beautiful one at that.  She is just gorgeous.  Her big eyes with dark lashes and blond hair.  I always imagined having a little blonde girl, but I never imagined I would have such a beautiful, cute, fun, little girl to do fun girl things with together.  I received a pedicure gift certificate for my birthday and one of these days Kaylee and I will go get our manicures / pedicures done together.  That will be memorable.  I am so grateful for my darling girl, with her huge heart, and her fun personality.  I love you so much Kaylee!

Happy Birthday to our Girl!

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