A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Friday, January 6, 2017

Happy Birthday Kaylee!!!

Kaylee Joy has turned 6!  Where has the time gone!!  Here are some fun things about Kaylee at 6 years old:

1. Kaylee's favorite food is Grandpa's chicken &
noodles.  She's sometimes picky, but she gobbles this up every time he makes it.  And she also loves Dad's chocolate cereal!

2. Kaylee's favorite thing to do is gymnastics.  She is getting really strong at gymnastics and skilled.  She feels 100% at home when she is on the gymnastics arena, confident and happy.  She loves to be the one to model the gymnastic skill for the rest of the class.  I hope she keeps it up because I think she will continue to be really good at gymnastics!!

3.  Kaylee's best friends these days are:  Oliver, Lennon, Junie, & Elaina from school.  She spends most of her time not in school with Keagan Stump.

4. Kaylee loves to "organize" and "sort" things.  She will do this with everything.  Upon first sight, her room may look like a disaster, but by looking closer one would see that everything has been sorted, aligned, and organized in a unique way that makes sense in Kaylee's head.  She may be a master organizer one day, not of paper and toys, but of bigger and better things!!

5. Kaylee has a darling singing voice.  She loves to sing.  She loves to go in the basement, turn on the electric piano songs and dance and belt her singing.  We can all hear her from upstairs, and it just makes me smile.

6.  I have given Kaylee a few piano lessons using a "non-readers" piano lesson book.  So she has a little bit of an idea about finger placement and such.  But she hears her big brothers playing suzuki songs constantly and one day, she just started playing the melody of one of the suzuki songs!!  She had just figured it out by ear, by listening over and over to the song being played, she was able to figure out the notes of the melody.  She can't wait to start real lessons and learn to play lots of songs.

7. Kaylee has loved her new baby brother Owen.  She has become his second little mom.  She adores him.  When Owen came home that first day, Kaylee held him for several hours without wanting to give him up.  I'd feed him and give him right back to her to hold.  She just couldn't get enough of him.  That motherly nurturing instinct.  I love that she is a big sister to 3 little brothers.  She is also amazing at helping her 2 year old brother, Nathan.  He is exactly that: two years old, and very challenging.  She has an ability to help him, communicate with him, and he responds to her, differently than he does to his other brothers.

8.  Kaylee is in Kindergarten.  Her teacher, Ashley, resembles Kaylee.  They both have blue eyes, blond hair that is long and straight.  It almost looks like they could be related.  She is excelling in Kindergarten.  Her reading has been an amazing transformation.  And she is learning basic math concepts.  She is very smart.  Yet she prefers art over any kind of academic work.  But thats ok in Kindergarten.  She is moving away from being a little girl and becoming a big kid!  Its amazing!

9. Kaylee loves her long hair.  It is the longest hair in her whole class at school she says.  She has no intention of cutting her hair.  She wants to keep it growing.  The problem is she hates to brush it.....  Her hair is so long that some of her friends at school have dared her to cut it.  And she says she may sometime when she feels like it.  But not anytime soon.  We love our Rapunzel!

10. Kaylee is so talented and skilled.  But she dislikes anything new or any new change.  A substitute teacher, unscheduled event, new class, or new experience will throw her into a worrying state.  She will worry and worry and worry.  But she will go and do.  And then once its all over, she is smiling and happy because it all ended up being just fine, and often really fun.  I love that she is cautious and aware of everything around her.

Happy Birthday to our 6 year old!  We love you Kaylee!!

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