A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Monday, December 17, 2018

Honest Kay

Kaylee, after I tucked her in last night, she came back out into years. She told me as she was laying there in her bed, that she remembered a time that made her sad. She told me a story about a spelling test day when she could not remember one of her words spelling, and she looked at her friends paper to get the correct spelling. She said, “I cheated” and started to cry harder. She said it made her sad to remember that and she felt so bad about it. This girl has such a big heart. She feels right from wrong, and she gets it. It is something innate in  er. I tried to validate her feelings and asked her if everybody makes mistakes. She said yes, we all do. And I asked her what mistakes do for us. She told me that mistakes are ways for us to learn. She’s got it. The goodness in her emulates so big. I love her to pieces and I’m so grateful for her honesty and genuine goodness.

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