A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Kaylee's Eraser

Kaylee has gotten some quirks from her mother, unfortunately.  She has a tendency to "pick" at her skin.  When there is loose skin or scabs, she will pick it.  Well, she began picking the skin around her  fingernails until it began to bleed and hurt a lot.  She got so frustrated because she is having a hard time controlling the need to pick.  

I shared with her a funny story of me as a kid, a kid that would pick my skin too.  My sweet Mom gave me a big pink eraser to pick all day long.  It worked for me!  And so we tried it.  She carried a pink eraser around in her sock or her pocket and every time she would think to pick, she would pull out that eraser and pick at it instead.  So far this has worked and she has been so proud of herself.  She showed me her finger and said, "I think its healing!"  She has an amazing ability to learn self control.  Love that girl so much!

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