A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Keplingers Visit

Andrea and Dennis Keplinger are some of our favorite people. Andrea was a part-time nanny for our kids about six years ago. I was expecting a new baby, Nathan, and was trying to work from home and also handle four older kids. I was overwhelmed and Nate and I were not sure how to handle the load. We were trying to think of somebody who could help us out but to no avail. The Keplinger‘s had lived in Fort Wayne a few years prior and then had moved away. One day Nate learned that they were returning to Fort Wayne for a job switch. He did not think anything of it, but immediately I knew that Andrea was the answer to our prayers. We reached out to her and she came over to meet the kids and it was a perfect match. She kept the kids upstairs and played with them and loved them while I worked downstairs in the basement office. I would hear my newborn baby crying and know that it was probably about time for him to nurse, and she would bring him down to nurse while I continued to work payroll and paperwork. When he was finished eating, I would send him back up to Andrea and she would continue to love my kids so I could support Simplx.  Andrea and I had many moments of connection and I look up to her very much. She had six kids as well and learned to get through hard times with her family. She is an example to me and I love her very much. Dennis reminds me of Dennis the Menace. He is so happy and energetic and the kids adore him. They are like family to us and Andrea treated me like a second mom. I am grateful that they could come visit from Oklahoma.

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