A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Cousin Time!

Nate‘s brother Nick and his wife Carissa and their family came from Arizona to stay with us for a week. They came to visit with grandma and Nick’s family out here in Indiana. Since grandma‘s house next door is smaller than it used to be, they stayed with us instead. Which actually worked out perfectly because the kids got to spend nonstop time together. Kaylee and Aria are a couple years apart in age but they hit it off right away. Such fun cousins! Dawson and Kipton have all the same interests. They both play piano, love Pokémon and love Minecraft. Their third son, Cameron, is one year younger than Owen and it took them a little bit of time before they could buddy up and play. But towards the end of the week they were best buds. Little Alena is two and she was a sweet little thing. She loved the puppy and knew that it was her job to feed him breakfast lunch and dinner. It was fun to spend time with Nick and Carissa and get updated on all that they’re doing Back in Arizona.

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