A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ready to be Big Brothers

Are these guys ready to be big brothers? I think they are!! They got to accompany me to a couple of my prenatal visits at Auburn OBGYN, and though a handful to bring with me, they were so excited to be involved in the baby's checkup. I was worried how the appointment would go with 2 munchkins running around a tiny checkup room. However, my Certified Nurse Midwife was so excited to see my boys there and jumped right in to let them help. She pulled up a chair so they could stand on it and see my belly. She let them measure my belly with her special measuring tape, and she let them squeeze out gel onto my tummy and use the sonogram to find the heart beat. The boys actually did find the baby's heartbeat by themselves! It was so much fun for them that I wanted to bring them again so they could be involved in the baby even before she arrived. I appreciated so much my midwife involving them and allowing them to help out. It was pretty awesome!

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