A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Best Friends

With the arrival of Kaylee, the boys have noticed that I am a bit more preoccupied and busy throughout the day. And somewhat unconsciously, they have turned to one another since I have been busy. Kaylee has definitely helped to bring the boys together. They have become such good friends! It is not to say that they don't fight; they do. But more than ever before, they have been playing and having loads of fun together. They love to wrestle with one another. They love to dress up as karate kids and wrestle each other to the ground. They have been coming up with silly ideas of fun things to do all by themselves. One day they decided to draw some pictures and then bind their pages together with paperclips to create a book. They were so proud of that creation. Another day, they went upstairs to play together for "quiet time" and when their "quiet time" was all done, I went up to check on them. They had blocked the door shut with the table and had created a "machine." So I let them be, and set 2 chocolate eggs outside the toy room door for them to find when they came out. I didn't want to disturb their fun! (or disturb my peace and quiet downstairs!). Sometimes they pull out blankets and pull each other around the hard wood floor on the blanket taking rides. Other times they get their slippers on and go "ice skating" on the hard wood. One time they created an obstacle course with pillows in a circle that they would jump from "lilly pad to lilly pad." They play hide and seek all the time. One will hide in the same place every time and the other will count to 10 and then go find them in the exact same place as last time! One time Jaxton hid in the upstairs hall closet where we keep all the pillows and blankets. Well, the first shelf got pushed out of place and fell down on him, so Cooper was working to pull him out of the collapsed hiding place with all his might. They have become a little team and it is so much fun for me to watch them play together and find joy in each others' company. That was our plan in having them close in age, was so they could have each other.

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