A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kaylee Girl

Kaylee Joy, Now almost 15 months old!  How time flies!  She is absolutely beautiful.  The most beautiful little girl!  And she is growing up so fast and learning so much!  She brings joy into our home in so many ways!  She is talking so much too.  She has told me several times now that she needs her diaper changed.  I always ask her "Do we need to change you?" and I pat her bum.  So she will look at me and say "Change You" and pat her own bum!  Its' a trademark!!  She also loves to climb...she has figured out how to climb stairs like a pro!  She is so very fast! And she enjoys climbing up onto the fireplace and exploring the ashes and wood in there!  Oh goodness!  Kaylee has lately been experimenting with stools.  She attempts climbing up on the stool in the bathroom to wash her hands, but everytime since, her attempts have been unsuccessful and result in a tramatic fall.  But she keeps on trying!!  I try to keep the laundry room door closed, because otherwise, she just loves going in there and finding things in our cubbies.  Usually she will find goodies the boys brought home from school in their school bags.  She will sit there and work on opening packages, or bring them to me and say "bite? pease?" in her own cute voice.  Or she will get to the markers and crayons, find a piece of paper in our piles in our cubbies, and go to work coloring!  Needless to say, she is in to everything!  She is in explore-mode!  And messy, yes, though it is so fun to watch her explore and learn!  

 Now only a mother could love a face like this one!  Refried beans everywhere!  What a cutie!
 We took a bike ride one evening at the elementary school across the street.  We still don't have a infant carrier or a bike trailer to pull behind our bike yet, so she brought her own trike and spent her time waddling around exploring with her helmet on!  Since she's really good at walking and running now, she had to find a new skill to master.  So she would take my finger in her hand and make me help her step up the curb onto the sidewalk, walk a few paces, and then step down the curb.  Up and down the curb we went all the way around the parking lot.  This was something she was seriously interested in figuring out, and it was tricky!  She's got the determination of her daddy!
 Speaking of Daddy, she loves her daddy!  She gets so excited when he comes around.  If he is in his upstairs office, she follows him there.  Peeks in at him, goes in over and over and over, just missing him!  Nate will make her "fly."  He will throw her up in the air and catch her and she gets nervous, but loves it.  So he will fly her up one time while she squeals in laughter and smiles.  He will ask her "More?" and she will immediately shake her head no and say "uh uh, uh uh" as if to say "no way! that was too scary"  But then he'll throw her up again anyway as she squeals in delight, followed by an "uh uh, uh uh!"  It's pretty funny!
 Here is Kaylee with Grandma Routsong, whom she has gotten to know well.  Luckily, her stranger anxiety problems were very short lived, lasting only a few months.  Now she is pretty good to go to anyone and even be left without me around.  Jaxton never had any stranger problems or separation anxiety.  Cooper had a very very bad case of it.  So Kaylee is kind of inbetween, having a short lived bout of it.  I'm sure glad its over with.  It is fun to see her enjoy herself with Grandma and Grandpa and feel comfortable and happy with them!!
 Who is the shopper in our family?  Oh yeah, its Nate.  No, Tara does not shop.  And who has become quite the bargain shopper with a little encouragement?  Yep, Nate!!  Nate will stop in at Von Maur in between alarm jobs to check the sales racks, where he picks up great deals for both he and I.  He buys me all my clothes and shoes!  Amazing hu!  On the flip side, I would never attempt picking out an outfit for him.  It just wouldn't fly.  Anyways, he is so excited to take his little girl shopping!  What a sight!!  I'm sure she will love shopping with dad, who will cave in and buy her anything her little heart desires!! No, I'm training him NOT to do that!  But I'm sure he'll be tempted to!  

1 comment:

Cherie and Jeff said...

A wonderful Papi for sure!!!