A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Preschool Fiesta Day

One of the things I love about the boys' preschool is the parent involvement.  I love being involved in what my kids are learning and doing when they are away from me.  And actually, the boys absolutely love that I get to be involved, which is a plus!!  When I told them that I was coming to Fiesta Day, they were thrilled and couldn't wait to come to my station!  

A unique trait about their preschool is that they have a Spanish hour once a week.  They get to learn basic words, sing Spanish songs, and do Spanish activities.  No other preschool that I've heard of has Spanish or another language within their curriculum.  The boys love to have us count in Spanish as they brush their teeth at night.  Now they are going all the way up to 20!  It's fun for Nate to speak in Spanish to them, they think it sounds hilarious!  But its fun when we can play around with Spanish words and they understand now that different people speak different languages.  

So the Spanish teacher, Senora Mandy, puts together an entire preschool day dedicated to the Spanish culture.  They call it Fiesta Day, and plan it near Cinco de Mayo.  The whole preschool building is split into stations and the kids rotate from room to room all throughout the building doing different Spanish activities at each location.  Parents come and run the stations based on what the teacher has planned.  So I got to be in the craft station.  Here, we made sombrero hats and bolaros.  These are little ball games that we made out of water bottles.  We connected a ball to the top with a string and the kids can try to hurl the little ball to fall into the open water bottle.  So they decorated them and then played with them.  The best part was when it was my kids' turn to come to my station!  Cooper's class came first, and he was thrilled that I was there!  Jaxton's class came next, and he too was pretty excited!  

Some of the other stations that I could tell were Spanish dancing, Spanish snacks, and Spanish game stations.  Here is Jaxton learning a Spanish traditional dance!! Fun Day!!!

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