A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A New Baby on the Way

Yes, it is true, we are expecting baby # 4!  It will be a little boy and he is due on September 15th!  We always wanted to have "sets" of kids that are close in age so they could grow up together and have a sibling "buddy."  This has worked out so far and Jaxton & Cooper have truly become best buds.  Kaylee and the new baby boy will be about 20 months apart or so and I hope that they can be just as good buddies as their older brothers have become.  Here are some ultrasound pictures of our little guy, who is healthy and growing!  His profile, a front shot of his little face, and the proof that there is a little something in between his legs: A boy!  

This little guy doesn't have a name yet, but I'm sure it will come to us.  We plan to have him naturally, with no medications or interventions if necessary.  My Midwife, Stephanie, is absolutely wonderful.  I have never met a healthcare professional more personable and kind before.  For the second time now, we will be able to "barter" a security alarm system for prenatal care and delivery.  Her office recently built a birthing center called Auburn Birthing Center which is a small 3 bedroom little home complete with a kitchen, living room, and backyard.  This is where we plan to welcome our little guy into the world, in a peaceful environment without the stress and business of a hospital setting.  Our thoughts toward natural birth have evolved over the last several months, that giving birth is a natural thing that all female bodies are built to do.  The hospitals have turned labor and delivery into an "illness" where the "patients" must stay in bed, be given high amounts of anesthesia, and use expensive tools and medical equipment to get the baby out.  Though I am very grateful for modern day medical technology in saving many mothers and babies lives, for a non risk, normal birth, I greatly look forward to an opportunity to naturally allow my baby to enter this world without drugs or interventions.  I say that now, and I hope that everything goes smoothly.  More than anything, I want this new baby to have something special for him and me to remember about his birth, that was different than the other three.  It will be an exciting and unique experience!

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