A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kaylee: 18 Months

Kaylee is 18 months old!!  Here are a few fun highlights about Kaylee at 18 months:

1. She started Nursery…and she loves it!!  Hurray!  She goes on in to her “class” without a worry or a cry.  When I peek through the windows on her, she is just her usual self, often climbing up to stand on the little chairs, or giggling or coloring.  She loves snack time of course.  When I come to pick her up, she squeals with delight most of the time, happy to see me.  Jaxton actually enjoys “picking her up from nursery” too.  He will go in there and she will squeal in delight to see him.  Then he usually just sticks around and plays until I come get them both.  It’s sweet to see him want to take care of her.  So, nursery for this little gal has been a success!!

2. Kaylee loves her brothers to pieces.  She always wants to know where they are.  When she wakes up, she asks me, “Daton? Poopa?” and I’ll let her know whether they are still asleep or downstairs or what not.  When we take Jaxton to school, she always asks again, “Daton?”  When I tell her he’s at school, she shakes her head yes and says, “Oh yeah yeah yeah.”  It’s pretty cute. 

3. Jaxton is super good with Kaylee, takes her hand and leads her somewhere and she willingly goes with him.  He helps her wash her hands, loves to build towers of blocks with her that she can topple over after 30 seconds and do all over again.  He can speak her language and understand anything she is trying to tell us.  Cooper also is great with her.  Especially when Jaxton is gone at school, Cooper turns into her little playmate and the two of them and I have a lot of fun together.  She loves to play the piano with Cooper, who is thrilled when she wants his attention!

4. Kayee’s favorite food is by far cottage cheese.  Now where in the genes might that have come from?  Of course, Daddy.  If she could, she would eat cottage cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  We often have to hide the cottage cheese if its on the table for a meal so she can’t see it because once she sees it, she won’t eat anything else and simply demands her cottage cheese.  

5. I don’t know what it is about hot milk, but all my kids have liked hot milk as toddlers.  Kaylee won’t drink cold milk very often (though she is getting better as I have tried to not cater to her warmed up milk desires).  She likes it warmed up in the microwave for 50 seconds.  That 50 seconds is a long time to wait for a tiny little girl, so to eliminate the whining, we started a game.  As the timer goes down towards zero, we will say “Ready…………Set………..” and when its done we say “Go!”  So now, she asks for her “malk…ov’r there….hot….weddy, set, do!”  (Milk…over there…hot…ready set go!).  Such a cute personality!

6. Because of the new baby, we decided to try transferring her into a toddler bed.  We painted our toddler bed to match all the other furniture and set it in her room next to the crib.  She liked the freedom and I can usually hear her playing with her toys and pushing buttons over the monitor, but when it gets silent she usually has climbed up into bed and went to sleep on her pillow!  So the transition has gone well! 

7. Kaylee loves storytime at the library.  It’s her own little time and all summer the boys were great sports at going with us and joining the baby storytime.  Her favorite songs there are “Two Little Red Birds” where she bounces her thumbs and tries to whistle.  She also knows “Wheels on the Bus” and “If You’re Happy and You know it” from storytime.  Often they hand out shakers or bubbles to play with to music and of course she loves that.  Once in a while they have a parachute too.  It’s a fun half hour just for her!

8. Kaylee has sort of figured out what friends are.  There are a few little ones at church that are her age and when we’ve spent time together with them, she has called them “fend” (friend).  I even caught her sharing a toy with one of them once.  What a sweetheart! 

Well, there are some fun highlights of our little year-and-a-half-old angel.  Her blue eyes and blond hair are to die for and we just love her so much!!

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