A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Friday, June 28, 2013

Lehi Roundup Rodeo

We went to see the Lehi Roundup Rodeo. Grandma fashioned the kids up in rodeo shirts that she stencilled and rodeo cowboy hats.  They fit right in with all the other cowboys and cowgirls at the event!   We saw horse races,  bucking, lassoing, bull bucking, and bull fighting.  During halftime there were dirt bikers doing flips in the air and this was one of the highlights for the boys.  Cooper even remembers the motorcycles at the rodeo from two years ago.  They were loud and fast and high!  Jaxton liked that we got to stay out late at night.  After the rodeo was officially over, they invited everyone out onto the dirt and played loud music to dance too.  The kids loved it! They enjoyed being out on the same dirt as all the animals had been on. It really was late when we got home.  It was about 11:30 or so when we finally got everyone in bed, which is really about 1:30 in the kids' Indiana minds.  It's become a tradition for us to go to the Lehi rodeo whenever we come out to visit!

A few days later the kids started to act out the rodeo.  They pretended to be the bulls and the riders and were bucking each other off of their backs.  Cooper was on a toy rocking horse waving a small American flag and riding around in a circle like the sponsor girls did at the rodeo.  It was really hilarious watching them!  What a fun memory!

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