A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Dawson!!!

Happy Birthday Dawson!! I cannot believe a whole year has flown by!!! Dawson is 1 year old!!  Happy Birthday Buddy!  Here are some fun things about Dawson at 1 Year Old!

1. Dawson is learning to sign.  He is picking it up so fast!  He can do the sign for milk, eat, and ball.  Its pretty cute.  He knows he can communicate and so I think it makes him feel good!  It is sweet though because if he is flustered or frustrated, he simply cannot bring himself to do the signs.  He loves balls and will follow them all over the house.  His sign for ball is using one pointer finger and pointing to the palm of the other hand.  The real sign is just cupping your hands into a ball shape.  It is really cute the way he has figured out his way to make the "ball" sign. :-)

2. Dawson is quite shy.  He does not have a lot of separation anxiety yet.  Maybe a little bit.  But when someone smiles at him, he dives his little head into my shoulder with a shy little smile.  It is awfully cute.  

3. Dawson now has 4 front teeth, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom.  I love it!  He loves to bite into whole apples and pears and he puts his new teeth to use!

4. Dawson loves to do things that he knows he shouldn't.  He loves to sneak into the bathroom and climb up onto the potty!  He knows it gets a big reaction out of me when he does it, so he does it all the more.  He also loves the reaction I give him when he puts his hands into the doggy's water or grabs a handful of dog food.  And oh how he loves to savor the taste of dog food!!  He knows the stairs are another thing that will create a huge funny reaction from mom.  So he is always heading up the stairs.  One time I looked over to check on him, and he had escaped the barricade I made to keep him contained in the living room, and he had made his way all the way up the stairs and was playing by the bookshelf!  Thankfully, he made it up safe and sound!  Lastly, he knows he shouldn't be in the pantry, but he also knows there are stockfuls of snacks in there.  He goes to town getting bites of cereal, animal crackers and pretzels off the snack shelf!

5. Dawson loves to hide.  Often I will look over and not see him where I know he should be.  But then I find that he has climbed into the cupboard and is crawling around inside the cupboard!  It's awfully cute!

6. Dawson has blessed me with sleep!  He sleeps all night long.  Of all our children, he is the only one that I have never had to make "cry it out."  He simple adjusted and started to sleep all night long.  Now that I have recorded that fact, maybe it will jinx me and he will be up in the night!  I hope not.  He is a great sleeper and a great napper.  I am thankful for that because it makes for a happy boy!

7. Dawson is a great copycat.  He will copy all kinds of things that others do.  He will clap when he sees others clap.  He will make funny noises with his mouth or his voice when others do it to him.  He has watched us all throw the dog's ball to her.  He will go after that ball, but he knows its the dog's, and he will throw it.  Its pretty cute because then the dog goes and gets it, even after its gone a few inches away.  He loves his dog!

8. Dawson loves his oatmeal in the morning. I mix it with our morning smoothie and he eats it up!  He's on cows milk now, and he just gobbles up his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at lunchtime.  I always love it when I can finally give my babies peanut butter.  What a tasty treat!  He loves it!  And he just figured out how to use a straw to slurp up more morning smoothie!  What a big boy! 

9. Dawson gives the biggest hugs and kisses.  He just wraps his little arms around you and pulls you in tight.  He gives wide open mouth kisses on our cheeks.  I love it every time!  He gives the best loves!

10. Dawson is not super interested in walking.  He has taken a handful of steps, but prefers to squat down and crawl!  He can balance like nothing else, and he can do squats up and down like no one I know!  But walking?  Who wants to walk when they are faster than fast on all fours? 

Happy Birthday Buddy!  We love you so very very much!

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