A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Friday, April 17, 2015

Las Vegas Events

During our time in Las Vegas, Simplx was invited to several different private events.  The most exciting event took place at a restaurant called Gilley's.  There was a buffet dinner, bull riding, music, dancing, and lots of fun.  We each took a turn on that bull, which was actually easier than it looked.  Nate and I spent some fun time on the dance floor repeating our 2 swing moves over and over.  They did some line dancing too.  It was a lot of fun.

We also attended the Alarm.com private event, where there was delicious dinner, and lots of networking.  We went to a buffet with all of our Simplx team and watched everyone eat and eat and eat, all they could till there was no room for anything left in their bellies.  
Friday we went to see the Tournament of Kings as a group.  We were seated in the "Spain" section and we rooted for the Spanish fencer during the tournament.  They gave us dinner from the mideval era, so we had no utensils.  We had to eat an entire game hen, baked potato, and broccoli stalks with our fingers.  It was a lot of fun!


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