A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Monday, February 8, 2016

Nathan is 18 Months

Nathan is 18 months old. Where has the time gone? He is growing up and getting big so fast right before my eyes. Here are some fun things about Nathan at 18 months old.

1. He loves to vacuum
2. When he wakes up in the morning he is the most snuggly boy in the world. He just gives you a bear hug and lays his head on your shoulder. He just is still up in the mornings it is so sweet.

3. Nathan is fascinated by fans. He will go all around the house and turn on all the fans in the bedrooms. He will plug them in and pull out the plug and turn them on all the different settings. It makes me so nervous that he will get A finger chopped off get electrocuted by the outlet. I have to close and lock all the bedroom doors so he can't get to the fans. He also knows when his fan needs to be turned on at that time and is insistent that we turn it off as soon as he is awake. It is really funny how fascinated he is with fans.

4. Nathan is a fish! He absolutely loves the bath. That's time was one of his first signs that he learned. He will roll around in the tent dip his face in the tab, drink the water, and let the water roll all over his face. He just laughs and giggles and spins around and around in the water. He has no fear of water and he hardly ever has had trouble with breathing in the water. He seems to know how to handle the water in his face and eyes and mouth. It is really fun to watch him play in the tub.

5. Nathan's favorite person on earth besides his family is grandpa in Utah. Grandpa has come for several work related visits and has been able to stay with us on several occasions. He seems to remember grandpa each time he comes and he just latches onto him and loves him so much. It is special that they have a sweet bond together.

6. Nathan is starting to learn more words. He has started to say no, to everything. He calls all his brothers and sister pooper, but Jaxton  is teaching him a sign he made up for himself. Jaxton rolls his pointer fingers around and around and is trying to teach Nathan that that is a sign for Jaxton. We will see if it works! Nathan can say snack, Connor, Bella,mama, dad.   He can sign more, eat, drink, milk, bathtime, night night, help, drink, down, up. He is very smart and is a great communicator.

7. Nathan loves that he can wear shoes now just like the tickets. But he has a funny pet peeve about socks and shoes in the car. He can't stand having them on in the car. Every time I get him in the car with socks and shoes and socks and shoes all end up on the floor of the car every single time! It's so funny. I've learned to put him in the car without socks and shoes and just get  I am ready when I arrive at my destination.

8. Nathan is very very fast. He can run like the wind. He has learned how to open doors now which is a little scary. If we leave a garage door open he will escape and start down the driveway. If we leave the front door unlocked he will escape and start running down the sidewalk. He is very cute but very fast.

9. One of Nathan's favorite things to do is to pull hair. His favorite is Kaylee's hair obviously. He grins as big as he can as she screams as loud as she can. He thinks it's funny. We try to teach him to be gentle and have gentle hands. He will now say sorry when prompted after he has pulled someone. But it still does not stop his excitement in pulling hair.

10. Nathan is an excellent sleeper. He sleeps all night long he goes to bed with no trouble. His favorite bedtime book is Goodnight Moon. He knows the bedtime routine like the back of his hand. He knows after bathtime go light goes off, the fan goes on, and he gets his Passi. Then he's out like a light. And wakes up happy in the morning.

We love you little Nathan!

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