A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Monday, February 8, 2016

Piano Recital

Jaxton and Cooper had a Wednesday piano recital held at the downtown Allen county library. It was on a formal stage in a theater auditorium. It was a very exciting experience for them. They both played marvelously. Cooper played a song called Sekura, and another Suzuki piece.  Jaxton played Carol of the bells and Chant Arabe, a Suzuki piece.  Could not find his piano book as we were getting ready to leave the house. I started to stress about it. But he was not stressed one bit. He said "I don't think I need it."  I couldn't believe his nonchalant attitude.  But he had his pieces memorize and mastered so well that he was not nervous at all, even with no music to read. Both boys are amazing at piano. They have different skill set, but both are Freliant and it is so much fun to listen to the melodies that come from that piano in our home. I was so proud to see them. perform on stage with confidence. I know that this scanner is one they can use throughout their life.

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