A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Cooper is 16

Happy birthday, Cooper! Cooper turned 16 this year!  You are a few fun things about Cooper at 16!

1. Coopers buddies these days include Derek, Sammy, Matthew, Andy, Andrew, Grayson. He makes friends so easily and is a kind friend to all.

2. Cooper is very much into basketball and working out. He’s at the Y almost every day shooting hoops and exercising. He joined a YMCA adult league with his friends for more basketball experience. Basketball is his favorite thing these days.

3. Cooper is also involved in FFA, future farmers of America. He has worked with Crystal at Oak Farm and has been competing at the FFA conventions. He is very talented speaking and leadership skills. It’s exciting to see him thrive in this organization as well..

4. Cooper is a hard-working individual. He puts his all into his work and is dedicated and honest. He has a very good head on his shoulders and we are very proud of his efforts and everything he does. He succeeds just about everything he touches. And he has confidence and joy. 

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