A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dawson is 2 Months Old

Here is Dawson at 2 months old

Here are some fun things about Baby Dawson at 2 months old:

1. He loves to smile!!
2. He can focus on faces now.  He gets those classic wide eyes and big nostrils as he is focusing hard on making eye contact.  So cute!! And then once he's made eye contact, he will move his little head and follow you as you move to the right or to the left or up and down.  
3. Dawson loves loves loves to be held.  I never used a sling before, but I have really enjoyed it and Dawson absolutely loves being all cozied up against me all snuggled up tight.  Its a win win!
4. His little features are becoming more and more apparent.  He has the cutest ears that stick out on either side of his head, and he has bright big blue eyes.  Sometimes his little expressions remind me of Dopey, one of the 7 dwarfs.  =-)
5. He likes his white noise when he sleeps
6.  Feeding has been great for him, extremely painful and difficult for me. Regardless of me though, he has been eating and growing great!!
7.  At night he will sleep about 7 or 8 at night until 12 or 1 in the morning and generally will wake up every 3 hours or so after that.  So right now, he's a pretty good sleeper.  
8. He is the Spit-Up King.   It doesn't bother him one bit, but he spits up more than any baby I've had.  I am constantly covered in his puke, which luckily is just made of milk and not anything else.  Thus its consistency is not super yuck.  In fact, the scent of Dawson's spit up has become a part of him and I actually don't mind smelling like spit up all day since it reminds me of my cute bundle.  However, I do go through 3 and 4 different outfits each day...

What a cute boy!  He will continue to grow and the time will not stop! So I must capture every bit of him at every stage that I can!  I love him to pieces!

1 comment:

Cherie and Jeff said...

He is such a handsome little guy. He is usually asleep or to far away when I see you at church. This is a wonderful picture. I love reading your blog. YOU ARE A WONDERFUL FAMILY. Thanks for everything...especially the examples.