A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Jaxton's 6th Birthday

Jaxton is 6!!! I can't believe it!  I can't believe it has been 6 years since he entered our world!  Here are some fun things about him at 6 years old:

1. Jaxton's favorite dessert is brownies
2. His favorite color is gold
3. His favorite breakfast is waffles and sausage.  He got this from Grandpa Routsong who makes the kids eggo waffles warmed up in the microwave, with a sausage, and then drenched with syrup.  Its a classic!
4. His favorite friend these days is Campbell, another kindergartener   She is a cute little girl that Jaxton talks about all the time.  They are good little friends, but they also think they will get married one day.  Cuteness!                                
5. Jaxton absolutely loves legos.  He loves to build lego sets and he is really good at following the directions step by step.  He will take a new lego set upstairs and disappear for hours.  When we see him again, he has this masterpiece spaceship that is so detailed and perfect.  He just loves that.  And then, these lego masterpieces are put up on a shelf for him to cherish.  They are off limits for anyone to touch and he says he plans to NEVER break them down!
6. Jaxton is reading so well.  He knew how to read basics and sound out sounds to make words before he started kindergarten.  Now he is at a Kindergarten level C reading level.  He can read, or sound out, just about anything!  Sometimes we will be reading the scriptures, and he will come to a difficult word. I am ready to help him out, but before I do, he figures it out!  I am just amazed at how well he is picking up reading.  And he loves to read!
7. Jaxton is an artist.  He loves loves loves to draw and color.  He will spend a long time designing some kind of art design and coloring it in certain patterns.  He is very creative and artistic.
8.  Jaxton says his favorite sport is soccer.  He will begin play soccer in 2 weeks on an indoor soccer league.  It should be a lot of fun!  
9.  He says his favorite movie these days is Harry Potter.  He has seen the first 3 Harry Potter movies and we have just begun reading the first Harry Potter book aloud together.  The kids are so interested in "magic" and love it!
10.  When Jaxton grows up he wants to make machines.  He wants to build devices that do stuff with buttons and wires, etc.  The career that fits this description the best seems to be an engineer.  On Career Day at school, Jaxton wore an oversized white karate robe that fit perfectly as a "lab coat" along with "lab goggles."  He looked great!  Someday we will have ourselves a very intelligent engineer that will invent and build something amazing! 

Happy Birthday Jaxton!

Jaxton wanted a Transformers Birthday Theme.  He had 6 of his buddies over for a fun filled transformer party.  Each child got a paper transformer mask.  They went on a scavenger hunt around the house to learn how to be a transformer.  First they practiced building energy cubes for their powers.  We used sugar cubes.  Then we did a matching game and matched the car to the robot it transforms into.  We played a few other games, ate cake and ice cream, and then watched an episode of the cartoon version of Transformers.  It was a blast!  Jaxton asked for a Tranformers quilt for his birthday from us.  We found a fun Transformers fleece tie quilt that he could actually cut and make himself (with some help).  So that's what he got! We worked on it together for several nights until the edges all around had been tied.  Now he sleeps with it every night!  It was a fun project!

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