A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We had a great Thanksgiving this year.  It is starting to be tradition that we spend Thanksgiving with the whole Routsong family at our house.  Its a lot of fun to have everyone over to our home!  Everyone helped out with different dishes for the Thanksgiving Feast, and we planned some fun activities for everyone.  We were able to fit everyone in our formal dining room area around three long tables.  That was important to us so that we all could be together in the same room.  I baked some pillsbury crescent rolls with questions inside of them, and as we ate dinner, all 26 of us, we went around answering the questions we found in our rolls.  I made a "Thankful Tree" for everyone to hang notes of things that they were thankful for this year.  It was fun to see the different things that people wrote.  I also found a fun idea using sugar ice cream cones.  I wet them, then "steamed them" in the microwave till they were soft, then curled the pointy end around a pencil creating a mini cornucopia.  I filled them with goodies for the dessert table.  Fun fun!  

After dinner, we had a scavenger hunt planned for the kids.  It was a beautiful day outside, so the kids each got a bag and a list of things to find and do.  They teamed up and went searching in the woods, on the playground, and all around our house.  It was fun to see the big kids team up with the little kids.  So much bonding!  So much fun!  

Christin & Uncle John
Madison & Kaylee

We roasted smores on a fire later on in the evening.  Jace loved the idea of roasting marshmallows!  But the fire was so hot to his face, that he announced that he needed goggles.  The next minute, he appears with a roasting stick and goggles on his face!  He must have seen these goggles upstairs in the toy room with the dress up stuff.  He knew right where to find some!  It was cute.  

The cousins always have games that they bring on their phones or the wii and Jaxton and Cooper got way into these games, especially Cooper.  He was playing with Jared's phone games for a long time and had a hard time giving it back to Jared.  So a couple weeks later when I asked him what he wanted for Christmas, he genuinely said he wanted an iPhone.  Haha!  He said, "Jared told me to ask for an iPhone for Christmas since I liked his so much."  Ohhh goodness!  He was so genuine about that and thought that Jared indeed believed that he could ask for an iPhone for Christmas.  It was a sweet request that unfortunately did not get granted.  Maybe in 15 years....lol.

Here are some fun pictures of the family: 
Brothers: Nate & Mike
Grandma Routsong, Cassidy, Baby Sophie & Grandpa
Katie, Christin, Lauren, and Cassidy
Jace loved to play the piano!
Lauren & Kaylee playing in Kaylee's room
Nate & Tara
Beth, Abe, Kate, and Jared

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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