A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Friday, January 24, 2014

Cooper is Six

Cooper turned 6!! 

Here are some fun things about Cooper at six years old:

1. His favorite food is moms homemade Mac and Cheese.  He is not as picky as he used to be, and really is a great eater, trying new foods often.  He also enjoys oatmeal topped with chocolate chips.

2. His favorite tv show is Ninjago, a ninja lego show with 4 ninjas that constantly are saving the world.  They do this spin, called spinjitsu, which Cooper loves to imitate. He will yell "Ninjaaaaago!"  And spin around and then run off somewhere doing ninja moves. It's pretty awesome!!

3. Cooper is doing excellent in kindergarten.  He is focused and actively learning. His teacher let me know that she arranged the students at desks putting Cooper next to a child with a very hard time focusing, in the hopes that Coopers ambition, listening skills, and ability to focus would help out his friend.  It sounds like it was helping the child.  His teacher does not have enough good things to say about Cooper.  The one that sticks out in my mind though is that "his smile could slay you."  I'm grateful that he is ambitious at school. 

4. Cooper has a passion for the Wii.  He gets himself all worked up when he plays.  The simple games become intensified with his passion.  It is a little bit funny, but also a little overwhelming.  His Wii time has to be limited, but he absolutely loves it.  

5. Cooper's favorite sport is basketball.  He loves to play and he is very good at it.  He is on an Upwards Basketball team right now and he made his first point yesterday!  The basket is really high, and he is so short, that he pretty much felt like he could never really even make points for his team last year.  His arm strength has improved and he has been practicing hard at getting that ball up higher.  And yesterday, his practice paid off.  He made a point for his team.  We are so glad he could do that and he felt so proud of himself.

6. Cooper is best friends with his dog.  He loves Bella so very much.  He will play with her and play with her till she is panting with thirst and loss of energy, but she keeps coming back to him.  They play all different kinds of "fetch" and Bella loves to play with big four square bouncy balls as well as big basketballs.  She catches those big balls with her hands and her nose, then pushes the ball around with her nose till it hits a wall or gets stuck.  She is just as much a player in a game of basketball as any human.  It really is funny to watch!  She also absolutely loves the snow!  She will jump through it and try to dig out her tennis ball in it.  She will chase after snowballs or eat the ones she catches in her mouth.  Cooper loves to play in the snow with her.  He also enjoys building forts for Bella.  She loves to be cozy and snuggle under the blankets.  Coop will snuggle her and want her to sleep in his bed with him.  It is very sweet how much he adores her.

7. Cooper's best friends these days are in his kindergarten class.  He is closest with Easton and Drew and Cameron.  It is so cute because the kids line up in alphabetical order to go to lunch or walk through the hallways.  Right in the center of the line are 3 boys with buzz cut blond hair, all about the same size.  Cameron, Cooper, and Jayce.  And Drew is right in front of them with a dark brown buzz cut.  It's a cute group of boys.  I get to volunteer in his classroom every other Tuesday and so I get to see how they interact and how the teacher teaches.  I really enjoy my time in his classroom and I think he loves it when I come.  His other close friends are from church, Gabe and another Cameron.  He enjoys going to these friends houses often and keeping in touch with them, though they go to different schools.

8.  Cooper's favorite TV show these days is Wild Kratts.  We first heard of the show when Cooper was invited to a birthday party with the Wild Kratts theme.  We had never heard of it before.  The party went all out with outfits for them to wear and live wild animals to touch and hold.  After that, we started seeing the show come on in the mornings during all of our school cancellations this winter.  Now the kids are hooked!  It is such an educational show and the kids learn so much about all different kinds of animals.  The main character brothers turn into cartoon characters and then they get to turn into animals to learn about them.  And the facts they give are always very interesting.  So Cooper is a Wild Kratts fan!

9.  When Cooper grows up, he wants to work for Simplx Security.  He wants to take over the business.  He really has no idea what that means, but that is what he wants for his future at this point in his life.  Nate ordered some small Simplx shirts for the kids recently, and Cooper will wear his to school periodically.  On Career Day, he wore his Simplx shirt too.  Some people have never heard of Simplx, so they are confused when he says he wants to work at Simplx.  Hopefully he explains enough that it is his dad's business.  He loves the employees and enjoys "going to work with them" or distracting them in the office while they are trying to pack up or get things organized.  He has gone to work with Nate a couple of times to do a quick fix for a customer or what not.  He loves being involved in it.  His passion for success is similar to Nate's drive of success.  He would be a great fit for Simplx if his career goals end up going in that direction. 

10.  Cooper is very sweet, kind, and even in tune with the spirit.  He has such a kind, good heart.  He is always thinking about other people's feelings.  Often he will explain why he did something or didn't do something based on how someone else was feeling.  He relies on prayer a lot.  When he feels nervous or unsure, I have always offered to pray with him or for him.  Now, he will ask me, "can we say a prayer?"  or "can you pray for me today? don't forget!"  I think he knows there is strength in prayer and that Heavenly Father is truly aware of him.  It is sweet to see his innocent heart and know that he understands that much, that prayer is important and that it can help him.  I love this boy so much!  Happy Birthday Cooper!!!

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