A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Monday, January 6, 2014

Kaylee Turns Three

Happy Birthday Kaylee!!   Here are some fun things about Kaylee at 3 years old:

1.  Kaylee is our little princess. Right now her favorite is Ariel and the two princesses from the movie "Frozen," Elsa and Ana.  When that movie came out, she watched it a handful of times and she now sings all the songs at the top of her lungs.  It's amazing how she knows all the words!!!  She will dance around and the motions that the princesses do in the movie.  It is adorable!

2. Kaylee loves to work.  She loves to have jobs and responsibilities.  Her dinner chore is to help mom wash the dishes and she just loves it.  She spends most of her time at the sink playing in the water, but she does get the dishes rinsed and she is so proud when she hands me the dishes ready to load in the dishwasher.  We also rearrNged our Saturday chores.  The boys taught Kaylee how to do their old Saturday chores because they got new ones.  She was so excited to be responsible for cleaning out Bella's kennel and picking up the shoes on the garage steps.  It was fun to watch her learn her job and be excited for the responsibility.

3. I have been teaching a simple preschool for Kaylee and four other of her three year old friends on Wednesdays.  This, she has loved.  She will ask every day if it is preschool day and she looks forward to it each week.  We have been doing color themes and will do shapes after that.  Her friends that come are Mia, Rhett, Carter, and McKenza and sometimes McKenzas brother Abryn, and Dawson.  It's a fun little group and they are all so cute.

4. Kaylees best friend these days is Mia.  I babysit Mia three times a week and the two of them have gotten to be such good friends.  They run around the house pretending to be monsters and scaring each other, then they turn around and switch roles and run the other direction.  It's awe fully cute.  They love to have tea parties.  They will cover a kitchen stool with a dish towel for their tablecloth and set out their dishes and play food.  Kaylee has a pitcher that she calls her "happena-oops." We have no idea where she came up with that name, but she really believes it is her happena-oops.  It's really funny.

5. Kaylee is a Daddy's girl of course.  She has him wrapped around his finger just as any little girl in a family full of brothers would.  Daddy loves to take her on dates and she just grins with pleasure when she gets to go with daddy by herself.  Often their "dates" are to Kroger to pick up groceries, but she will always return with a red rose that dAddy got for her.   And she is so proud do that red rose.  She is so lucky to have such a wonderful daddy who loves her so. Dry much!

6. Kaylee has loved the snow!  She loves to wear snow boots and "go stomping in the snow."  She will tromp up the snowy mountains Nate builds with his tractor and slide down them.  She really has enjoyed the snow this winter.

7. Kaylee loves to dress up and wear headbands.  She doesn't like bows as much and will pull them out, but she loves headbands and will keep them on all day.  Her hair is so much like my hair.  It frizzed at the front just like mine and is impossible to take without water or gel to keep it flat.  If she showers at night and her hair is wet, I coil it into a right bun on the top of her head.  She sleeps on it and when she wakes up, she has the most beautiful ringlets.  Her hair is getting so long and gorgeous.

8. Kaylee loves to stay at Grandma Routsong's house in Kendallville.  Grandpa cooks waffles with sausage and syrup for her and Grandma takes her to McDonalds and Walmart.  She loves the artention and spending time with them.  One time when she came back from a 3 day trip she came in the house crying so hard.  I was concerned and tried to find out what the matter was.  She simply did not want to come home a and was mad that she had to.  I couldn't help but laugh at that!

9. Kaylee loves to read books.  We can spend a lot of time reading together.  She prefers to read books to herself on the carpet while I work in the afternoons.  She loves to go to the library and bring books home too.  Her favorite books these days are Caillou stories that she got for her birthday and Curious George books.  

10. Kaylee is very excited for the new baby to come.  She always has lots of questions about the baby, like, "is he squished flat?"  She always catches herself when she bumps my belly and says, "sorry for bumping your baby."  I know she will be a wonderful big sister and this will be an experience for her that will be memorable for her, now that she is old enough.  

Happy Birthday Kaylee!  We love you so much!

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