A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Jaxton's Poison Ivy

Jaxton loves to play outside in the woods.  He’s lucky because his school’s “playground” is a couple acres of woods.  The kids love to run through the woods, build forts out of old tree branches, and search for acorns and pinecones and other treasures out in nature.  Their school has a big treehouse in the woods for the kids to play in.  Jaxton has been working on a big fort made out of fallen branches at his school.  At home, the boys have made a fort in the tall grasses in the middle of our woods.  Somewhere amongst this fun play, Jaxton fell in a nice big green patch of poison ivy.  He was wearing shorts, so it started on his lower legs, with a couple patches on his forearms.  After scrubbing really well, he thought those little patches would blister and weep and then heal.  Well, those little blisters got big.  And more blisters appeared.  And more and more blisters appeared.  Blisters were appearing in all sorts of random places all over his body.  His face had patches on it.  His ear, his thighs, his feet, his hands, his upper arms, even his tummy. 

As I began to research poison ivy, everything I read told me that the weeping fluid from the blisters does not spread poison ivy rash to other areas.  The initial oil that he touched would be the only thing that could spread.  Once that oil was washed, then it wouldn’t spread.  A week or so later, as soon as blisters began appearing on his eyelid, I got worried.  If the blisters on his eye were left to develop, bubble up, and weep, he could have it spread into his eye!  Something had to be done!  I did some more research and found that some individuals have a systemic reaction to poison ivy.  I am pretty darn sure this is what was happening to Jaxton.  His body had taken the oil through his skin and cells were carrying it to all other parts of his body and new blisters would appear everywhere.  Poor guy was miserable. 

The brave little man decided he could handle a shot.  So we went in to a redimed on Sunday afternoon and got him a shot to get rid of the poison ivy.  That shot took about 2 days and the poison ivy was gone!  What an experience!!

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