A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Brian Regan Live

For Valentines Day, Nate got us tickets to see Brian Regan live in Wabash at the Honeywell Center.  We went with the Coudrons and the Keplingers kept our kids for us, all 5 of them!!  So it was a true date night!

Downtown Wabash was super crowded and most restaurants had a very long wait.    We ended up at a small Mexican restaurant that was crowded to the max but had just 2 very busy waitresses trying to run the whole place.  We felt bad for our waitress who was running a million directions at once.  We only had time to scarf down chips and salsa, quest, and bean dip before our show was to start.

The show was awesome.  Brian Regan is just so fun.  He makes the simple occurrances in life seem so hilarious and funny.  Towards the end he started doing some of his classic jokes that we remember from when we were at BYU.  It was real funny to watch him do these live in person since in college we only ever listened to his CDs.  

Afterwards we got some desserts and drove back to our kiddos.  What a fun night out with my love.  I'm so grateful for our date nights, which are so necessary in our crazy hectic and stressful lives.  Thank you so much, Hun 😍.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

So fun!!! Kris and I got to see him in SLC a few yrs back- still my favorite comedian! :)