A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fort Wayne Blizzard

Fort Wayne had a blizzard. I have never seen a blizzard in my life, but this sure was a blizzard. It started snowing, and then just got heavier and heavier snow fall later in the evening. Then the wind picked up and it was howling all night long. The wind got so strong and lasted almost all night! We looked out the window around 10pm and it was a white mess outside, snow falling, and blowing every which way that you could hardly see a few feet in front of you. We could see almost nothing out the window, but whiteness and wind. Definitely wouldn't want to be out in that at night. It made me think of the pioneers and the dreadful weather they had to endure with no cover at night. How grateful I am for our warm, cozy home! These are pictures of the next morning, when the sun came out. We got lots of inches of snow!!

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