A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cooper T-Ball

Cooper also got to play T-Ball. He was on the "Three-Year-Old Team." This was his first ever experience playing a sport with a team or organized group. We practiced T-Ball a little this summer before hand using our basketball hoop which we took off the basket part, the bottom half was just about the right size for a T. Then we would bat an old plastic ball with a mini Louisville Slugger's souvenier bat that Nate got when he lived in Louisville. We would run around bases made of old carpet scraps from when they put carpet in our house. That was our makeshift baseball! Cooper loved it!! Then, in Utah, Grandma & Grandpa Hutchinson had a real T-Ball set complete with bases and all. So we got to play real T-Ball there. Cooper just couldn't get enough of the game. He loved to bat and throw and run around the 3 bases to Home Plate. Needless to say, when his first real T-Ball team met for practice, he could hardly contain himself. I was surprised to see that his shyness disappeared and he was in his element!
Cooper wasn't there to socialize. He was there to work. He got that alligator move down pat and wouldn't stop practicing catching the ball until he caught it so many times. The kids rotated from one skill to the next, and when they told Cooper's group to stop catching, Cooper refused to stop playing catch until he had caught it another 3 times or so. He said "I gotta catch it first, I gotta catch it first!' You can see his passion!!
Cooper signed up for T-Ball with his good friend Joey. They had a blast together! They got to be real good friends by doing T-Ball together.

Here's our All Star Rookie Player, so proud to have been able to be on his first T-Ball team. As far as he could tell, he was a WINNER!

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