A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Daniel & the Lion's Den

Tonight Cooper was saying his nighttime prayer with me and it was just the sweetest prayer coming from a 3 year old that I had to record it. Yesterday for our family scripture story we talked about Daniel in the Lion's den. Cooper was really into the story. Sometimes though, it is hard to know how much they are understanding. Cooper's personal prayers are like mini autobiogrophies each night. He always has sooo much to say. Tonight, he basically retold the whole Daniel story. It went something like this:

"......And thank you for Daniel and the lions. I really don't like the king. He put him down in there, way down down with the lions and I really don't like him. Then he said a prayer so the lions would not eat him and they were nice. The king came and said 'are you alive' and looked down into the lions. And Daniel was still alive and the lions didn't eat him. Thank you that we try to be like Daniel and like Jesus and like Heavenly Father......and thank you for Grandma to send a package......"

What a sweet boy, who truly understands so much! He is like a little sponge just soaking up everything he can, and his little memory is phenomenal. I'm so grateful for my little Coo!


The Giraldi Family said...

Cute, Tara! I like the part about grandma sending a package at the end! :)

Marcianne Stewart said...

Looks like you had a FUN summer vacation in Utah! I'm amazed at how well you keep up your blog!

doreen said...

Grandma will be forever sending packages---please tell Cooper not to worry!! Love you all!! Love, Mom