A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Splashin'

We finally got a pool! After enjoying one this size at Grandma's in Utah, then at some friends houses, and then at one of Nate's customer's houses, the boys were begging to have one. So I found a deal online and had it delivered. Everyday, the boys watched for the mailman to bring an extra large package with our pool inside. It took about a week, and then one glorious day, it came!! Oh were we excited!! So we got it all situated outside on our concrete patio (we still have no grass) and started to fill it up!! Well, I had forgotten that the water spickets outside are hard water straight from the well. So the pool filled up with pee colored yellowish water. The boys didn't seem to care that they were swimming in pee-like water. Regardless, I had to dump it and we refilled it with a long hose coming all the way around the house from the garage sink (soft water!!). The boys had a blast playing in it. They wore their goggles and practiced looking under the water. They even showed off by swimming across the pool with their faces in the water. We should have had a pool like this months ago to help with their confidence in swim lessons! We have had a lot of fun with our new fun pool!!

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