A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Kaylee Joy - 7 Months Old

Our Beauty Queen is 7 months old!! I can hardly believe how fast time is flying and how big she is getting. Kaylee is the most beautiful little lady in the whole wide world (I may be a little bit biased). Here are a few highlights of her at 7 months old:

1. She is so easy going and just takes whatever comes without complaint. She never seems to question anything, and most always feels safe and secure.

2. She puts herself to sleep in her crib for naps and for bedtime. Just like Jaxton (who I recall reminded me of Becky when she was a little tiny girl because she did the same thing), Kaylee will get a tiny corner of her little blanket and put it up by her eyes and nose. I think she smells it and feels it on her face and it comforts her as she tries to go to sleep. It is very sweet!

3. Kaylee is crawling all over the place!! She scoots, rolls, rocks, and army crawls. Still hasn't picked up on the hands and knees thing quite yet!

4. She gives big, wide, open mouthed kisses, that are wet, but adorable. I will take them anytime!!

5. She loves her bath. When she gets stripped naked, she starts to kick around and get all excited. I sign "bathtime" for her in sign language on her tummy and she seems to know whats about to happen. She loves it!! She sits in the big bathtub now and feels the water as it fills up the tub about 1 inch high. Then she will splash and splash. I lay her down on her back to wash her up and she is so impatient waiting to flip over onto her tummy. She loves being on her tummy. In the bath she will "swim" by army crawling through the water to reach a toy on the other end of the tub! It's pretty cute! Sometimes she will dunk her face in the water and it never seems to bother her much! Maybe she'll be a swimmer someday!

6. She is learning how to say "more" in sign language. I do the sign for her every time she eats, in the morning and the evening and she has kind of responded. She pulls both hands together and then straight up to her mouth. I'll take that as a sign!!

7. She loves to eat food. Her most favorite is baby cereal mixed with yogurt. Who wouldn't love that, compared to green beans and squash! It's like dessert! When she ate that, was when she first signed "more" for the first time.

8. She can say 1 word, "Dadaddadadadadddaaadddaaddaaa." She says it over and over and over and of course Nate is thrilled!! What a daddy's girl!


doreen said...

What a cutie!! I miss so much not being able to hold her and play with her! She is adorable!!
Love, Mom

Marcianne Stewart said...

So adorable!