A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Grandpa's Visit

Grandpa Hutchinson came to visit!!! He had a business trip in Cincinnatti, which is 4 hours away from Fort Wayne. But a 4 hour drive from Cincinnatti is much shorter than a 24 hour drive from Salt Lake City. So he drove out and spent an entire day with us!! The boys were so excited to see him. They were looking forward to his arrival. We spent the day at the park, had a picnic, rode our bikes, played at the playground, and watched squirrels run up and down the trees. After naps, we went to dinner with Nate at Chili's for some yummy food. It was such an unexpected entertaining trip!! Hopefully, Grandpa will have more business trips out to the midwest!

They each got to take turns pushing Grandpa on the tireswing. It helped prove how strong their superhero muscles are!

The ground was covered in acorns. Every step we would take would crunch tons of acorns under our shoes. The boys were finding acorns with hats on them and gathering them in their frisbees. We saw some baby squirrels running up and down a couple of giant trees. They didn't seem afraid of the boys, and would come down real close to our feet. The boys put out piles of acorns at the bottom of the trees for the squirrels to eat. Jaxton came back a little bit later to the tree that he thought he had put the pile of acorns. It happened to be a different tree that looked similar in the same area, but he thought the acorns were all gone. He was sure the squirrels had come down to eat them all. And he was so proud that he could help feed them! What a cutie!!
Gathering Acorns

Reading books
Painting pictures from Grandma Hutchinson's package that she sent in Grandpa's suitcase. Thanks Grandma!!
What a fun visit! Thanks for taking the time to come see us, Grandpa!! We love you very much!!!

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