A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Little Wrestlers

So I grew up in a family full of girls. I don't remember one time that we wrestled for fun. If we wrestled, we would hit or pull hair because we were mad. So when my 2 boys started jumping on each other, pushing each other down, and pinning each other, I sent them to naughty time and tried to explain that we don't hit or push each other. That is not nice and we don't do that in our house. Well, I found myself trying to break them up all day long day after day, and then I noticed something profound: I noticed that they were laughing, not crying. They were actually enjoying themselves! They were not only enjoying themselves, they were having a blast!! What a realization!! I guess this is just the difference between girls and boys. This is what boys like to do! Having grown up with girls, I honestly had no idea that this is just what boys enjoy doing, so I was trying to stop them. But I have learned that they love it! They are just more physical, and thats how they enjoy playing together. So since my AHA moment, I have let them tackle each other. Once in a while one will end up scratched or squished, but after a moments cry, they are right back at it with smiles on their faces. And the two of them have truly bonded the last few months now that they are old enough to play well together. I guess I have a lot to learn about boys!!

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