A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lego Creations

Jaxton loves to create things. He always has! Today he made a few different things with his tiny legos that he loves to build with. Because he knows they often get bumped or fall or get broken, he wanted to make sure these creations got caught on camera so they would "never be lost." So here they are, Jaxton's greatest creations of the day.
First he made a spaceship. He is very symmetrical when it comes to building things, as you can tell by his creation. He is symmetrical with the shape and size of lego, as well as the color!! He is very, very particular when it comes to building things. I just love his imagination!
Next he built a tractor, similar to the one in CARS the movie, with giant back wheels and small front wheels. It was complete with a seat and a steering wheel. He was very proud of both his creations :-)

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