A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve in Lafayette

On Christmas Eve when everyone in the Routsong family arrived in Lafayette (except Nick and Carissa and Kipton who live in Arizona), we had a big family dinner. After dinner, the kids put together a live nativity program for all the adults, with Aunt Melissa's help. Jaxton was a shepherd and Cooper was a wise man and they were both adorable. Kaylee was Baby Jesus in a pink outfit:-). It was a precious experience for the kids to be involved in the story of Baby Jesus to remind them what Christmas is really all about. Next was the most exciting part of the day, presents!! Each cousin was drawn the name of another cousin to buy a gift for. Jaxton drew Ryan's name, Cooper drew Asher's name, and Kaylee drew Kipton's name. In return, Kipton got Cooper some Spiderman pajamas with an attached web!! Jack was so excited to give Jaxton his present, which was a stomp rocket. And Cassidy got Kaylee a cute winter sweater. Everyone got presents from Grandma & Grandpa Routsong, and in turn, we all got them something too. It was a whole lot of fun!!
The little kids table
Live Nativity
Presents Time
Jack got a present for Jaxton. It was a .....
Stomp Rocket!

Kipton sent Cooper some cool Spiderman pajamas. So cool that.....
He just had to try them on right then and there!
Kaylee got a cute sweater from her biggest cousin Cassidy

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