A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Our Christmas Eve

We enjoy having our own simple Christmas Eve together with our little family of 5. It has been a tradition that we love. Last year we started a few of our own family Christmas Eve traditions that held this year too. First, and foremost, we located Santa on the NORAD Track Santa website, which showed us exactly where he was at that point of the evening. Of course he was across the world where it was midnight. He has a long way to go!! Next, we each got to open one gift, new pajamas. After we all got cozy, we found a video of "The Night Before Christmas" to watch with the kids, since they practically have the entire poem memorized. Last, we talked about the story of Baby Jesus, that he was born, and how grateful we are for him. At the beginning of the month, we all put a personal gift into a golden box under our tree for Jesus that we would give to him during the Christmas season. So we opened that box up again and talked about our gifts to Him. After we left cookies out for Santa, we tucked in the kids, assuring them that they must go to sleep, or Santa would not come. They went to sleep faster than they ever have before!! What a fun time!!
Tracking Santa
Putting on new jammies
Just waiting for Santa to arrive....

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