A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Florida Vacation Getaway

Nate has a friend who invited us to join them on a last minute vacation getaway to Fort Myer's Beach in Florida. Of course I took Nate's interest in the idea lightly thinking that it would be an impossible feat with three little ones to find someone to care for for several days. But when Nate has an idea that he likes, he will put all his energy into it to make it happen. To my amazement, so it was this time. We found ourselves in Florida, 80 degree sunny weather on sandy white beaches in December. What? It couldn't be!! But yes. It was absolutely everything a true vacation should be. It was wonderful!! We left Cooper with Grandma and Grandpa in Kendallville. He was thrilled to stay at their house for 5 nights! And Jaxton and Kaylee stayed at the Owen's house in Noblesville, Nate's sister, and we flew out of Indianapolis to Fort Myers. Needless to say, the kids were all thrilled for their own little mini vacations, and even Kaylee had a wonderful time, not missing us much at all!! So, it was a lot of fun for everyone, which made it easier for us to leave them. However, we missed them a ton and thought about them almost every moment, thinking how much they would have enjoyed the sand, the waves, the water, the hotel, the talking parrot in our hotel lobby, the waffles at the hotel continental breakfast. It was very strange not having 3 small ones to tote around every where went and hard for me to not have a lot of people and things to take care of all the time. Just me. A weird feeling! It was a great break from the routine of life, as well as a nice time for Nate and I to just spend together and focus on one another without kids, work, housework, and church callings to worry about. We decided that we need to have a getaway like this maybe every 2-3 years at the very least!!

Nate's friend is Brett Stopher and his girl is Kristy Stephens. It was fun getting to know them and hanging out with friends. We are glad they invited us along! The next few posts will show some of the highlights of our vacation getaway!

1 comment:

Marcianne Stewart said...

Congrats on taking the vacation! I think Andy & I need a vacation like that!!! But it is so true about missing the kids--those darn kids--can't live with them (sometimes) & can't live with out them :)