A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

A Family is a Gift That Lasts Forever...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Florida Fun

Estero Island at Fort Myers Beach had one small public square that was kind of like their Downtown Estero Island. They called it "Times Square," and it even had a small clock tower, though this Times Square was a grain of sand in size compared to the real Times Square in New York City. But in the evenings, especially the weekend nights, the place was hopping! They had live bands, people dancing, outdoor seating at all the little authentic restaurants. It felt like summertime! We tried out all the restaurants for lunches and dinners. We got to experience what the natives there call "beach bread," a type of baked french bread with mozzarella and melted cheeses and tomatoes. Yum!
They had the most beautiful flowers in bloom everywhere we walked. Definitely a tropical environment. These gorgeous red flowers were just blooming in the bushes as we walked around the shops, and I couldn't help but pick one to capture a photo. Pure perfection.

The sandy beaches were to die for! We walked out from our hotel and the sand was just squishy, fine, and perfect. It was perfect sand to mold. There were all sorts of neat sand creations that people had created and had left for several days. We saw a dragon, this chair, and all sorts of other unique creations. I loved the sand!! We decided that as much as it would be so much fun to live here, that the excitement and the joy of the beautiful beaches would unfortunately become routine and we wouldn't appreciate it as much if we saw it everyday. So that's when we decided we better make a habit of going on vacation every once in a while to get our fill of the beauty!

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